
Musical Competition in Milano 11-2015

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25th Musical Competition 4th International Edition Milano, 16th-28th November 2015

The Societa Umanitaria of Milano will hold a competition for students
from the Schools listed below. This competition is intended for regular
students enrolled in the 2014/2015 Academic Year. Each school may select
up to 3 candidates maximum, both soloists and/or chamber ensemble up to
4 candidates maximum. Italian candidates are those who were awarded the
prize of the 24th National Competition 2014.


For each candidate the Institutes will complete by June 1st 2015 the form that
will be available on the Societa Umanitaria’s website from May 1st 2015. All
application forms must have all required documentation attached. Incomplete
applications will not be accepted.


Candidate’s choice of programme is free, with the exception of transcriptions
of compositions for soloist and orchestra not included in the usual performance
practice of a recital (for example Concerti for soloists and orchestra). The
candidate’s programme cannot be changed after the submission of the entry
application. The performance duration must be at least 50 minutes and not
exceed 60 minutes. The actual duration will be timed by the Jury during the
auditions. Should it exceed the time limit, the Jury reserves the right to stop
the performance. Should it be shorter than required, the contestant will be
automatically disqualified.


The Competition is divided into a Semi-final and a Final round. The Jury may
request that candidates perform additional performances at any stage.

For the Semi-final and the Final, the Societa Umanitaria will provide the
piano, the harpsichord, the organ and the harp. Accompanists will also
be available. This latter requirement should be specifically mentioned in
the candidate’s application. In the event that contestants perform with the
accompanists provided by the Societa Umanitaria, they must send by email
the copies of the scores to Societa Umanitaria by June 15th 2015.

Contestants and their accompanists will be accommodated in private homes
between November 13th and November 29th 2015. Competitors will be
responsible for their own accommodations on any days falling outside of this
time period. Any other kind of accommodation will be at candidates’ own
expense. All auditions are open to the public.


The Semi-final round will be held at the Societa Umanitaria. Candidates
will be asked by the Jury to perform a selection from their chosen repertoire.
Candidates will perform according to the schedule set by the Societa
Umanitaria, to be notified via e-mail and published on the website by July
15th 2015.

Candidates are requested to register on the day of their performance.
Latecomers will be disqualified from the competition.

Candidates who cannot attend, due to unforeseen circumstances, are kindly
requested to justify their absence.


No more than 15 candidates will be selected for the Final round. During this
round, candidates are required to perform the entire competition programme
presented with the application according to the schedule set by the Jury.


The Jury will consist of personalities of the world of music.

Members of the Jury cannot be:

- relatives and relatives-in-law of the candidates;

- any person who currently has, or has had, during the two years preceding the
date of the competition, teaching relations with any of the candidates.

For this purpose, upon appointment, the members of the Jury will release a
statement that there is no incompatibility with offices of Jury members under
the above conditions.The Jury’s decisions are final and not subject to appeal.


- I prize: euro 7.000,00

- II prize: euro 5.000,00

- III prize: euro 3.000,00

- Concerts offered by the Societa Umanitaria

The three winners will perform a recital at the Award Ceremony on
November 28th 2015 at 8.30 p.m. in the Sala Verdi of the Conservatorio di
Musica “Giuseppe Verdi” in Milano in collaboration with the “Societa dei
Concerti”. The programme will be decided by the Jury.

The winners’ recital will be recorded and released on-line by the Societa

Prize is contingent on the winning contestant’s participation in the winners’
concert and recording. Failure to participate will result in the forfeiting of
prize money.

The Jury reserves the right not to award fully or partly any of the prizes if the
candidates’ level is not considered adequate.

Participation in the Competition automatically means agreement with the
above rules and conditions. All doubts regarding the Competition Rules
will be resolved on the basis of the Italian text, which can be found on the
Societa Umanitaria’s website. The above rules and conditions may change
for unforeseen circumstances.

The Court of Milan will have jurisdiction over any disputes and controversies.

Albania, Tirana, Miresevini ne Universitetin e Arteve • Austria, Vienna, Universitat fur Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien • Belgium, Gent, Hoogeschool
Gent Conservatorium • Belarus, Minsk, Belarusian State Academy of Music • Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Muzicka Akademija Univerziteta U
Sarajevu • Bulgaria, Sofia, National Academy of Music “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov” • Croatia, Zagreb, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu Muzicka akademija • Czech
Republic, Prague, Prazska konzervator • Cyprus, Nicosia, Arte Music Academy • Denmark, Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium •
Estonia, Tallinn, Eesti Muusika - Ja Teatriakadeemia • Finland, Helsinki, Sibelius - Akatemia • France, Paris, Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique
et de Danse de Paris • Germany, Berlin, Hochschule fur Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin • Greece, Athens, Conservatory of Athens • Hungary, Budapest,
Liszt Ferenc Zenemuveszeti Egyetem • Iceland, Reykjavik, Listahaskoli lslands • Ireland, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy of Music • Latvia, Riga, Jazepa
Vitola Latvijas Muzikas akademija • Lithuania, Vilnius, Lietuvos Muzikos ir Teatro Akademija • Luxembourg, Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg •
Macedonia, Skopje, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Faculty of Music • Malta, Valletta, University of Malta Music Department • Moldova,
Chisinau, Academia de Muzica, Teatru si Arte Plastice • Montenegro, Cetinje, Univerziteta Crne Gore, Muzicka Akademija • Norway, Oslo, Norges
musikkhogskole • Poland, Warszawa, Uniwersytet Muzyczny Fryderyka Chopina • Portugal, Porto, Instituto Politecnico - Escola Superior de Musica e
das Artas do Espetaculo • Romania, Bucarest, Universitatea Nationala de Muzica Bucuresti • Russia, Mosca, Moscow “P.I. Tchaikovsky” Conservatory •
Serbia, Belgrade, University of Arts, Faculty of Music • Slovakia, Bratislava, Vysoka skola muzickych umeni v Bratislave - Hudobna a tanecna fakulta •
Slovenia, Ljubljana, Univerza v Ljubljani - Akademija za glasbo • Spain, Madrid, Real Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Madrid • Sweden, Stockholm,
Kungliga Musikhogskolan • Switzerland, Lugano, Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana • The Netherlands, Amsterdam, Conservatorium van Amsterdam
– Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten • Turkey, Istanbul, Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar Universitesi - Devlet Konservatuvar • United Kingdom,
London, Royal College of Music • Ukraine, Kiev, Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music

Via Daverio 7 - 20122 - Milano (Italia)

tel. +39 02 57968378 +39 02 57968334 - fax +39 02 5511846

segreteria.concorso@umanitaria.it www.umanitaria.it

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